Julia Cisneros Wins Award for Best Graduate Student Talk at Marid 2019


In the first year of her PhD in 2016, Julia Cisneros attended the 5th International Conference on Marine and River Dune Dynamics (MARID) in Caernarfon, North Wales, to listen, gain ideas and meet new researchers. Three years later, as a fourth year graduate student, she attended MARID VI, that was held in Bremen, Germany, April 1-3. Julia presented a talk entitled ‘Dune morphology and hysteresis in alluvial channels during long-term floods revealed using high temporal resolution MBES bathymetry’. This talk detailed part of her research on river dune dynamics in the River Waal, Netherlands, that was conducted as part of a NSF GROW award, and conducted in association with Dr Thaiënne van Dijk, Deltares, Netherlands. Congratulations Julia!


Cisneros Best Grad
Julia was supported by grants from the Department of Geology and MARID VI to travel to the conference that, besides her talk, allowed many new discussions on applications of her research and future research directions.