05/06/2022 - Check out Geology Department Professor Alison Anders talking about her work on how critical zone soils form in glaciated landscapes!...
04/29/2022 - The Department of Geology is very pleased to announce that doctoral student Hannah Veldhuizen has been awarded a prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) graduate research fellowship! Her...
04/21/2022 - Robby Goldman, NSF Graduate Research Fellow and PhD Candidate in the Department of Geology, recently received an Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA) from the American Geophysical Union for...
01/20/2022 - Associate Professor Druhan received the exciting news that NSF will fund a new 1M collaborative research grant entitled “Collaborative Research: Concentration - Ratio - Discharge (C-R-Q)...
12/20/2021 - In a new paper in Nature Communications, former graduate student Jiashun Hu (now at the Southern University of Science...
12/17/2021 - Petroleum Experts has renewed a grant of a set of software packages to the Illinois State Geological Survey and Department...
12/13/2021 - Dr. Olivia Thurston (PhD -UIUC, now at U. of Indiana) and her advisor Dr. William Guenthner have been working to explore questions about the timing of the rocks in the Grand Canyon, using their...
12/13/2021 - The exhibit, In Search of Lost Time, led by Geology Assistant Professor William Guenthner, will explore how the chronology of the Earth was established, with a focus on six themes that...
12/08/2021 - Through a generous gift by Suzanne Mahlburg Kay (BS, ’69; MS, ’72) and Robert W. Kay, an endowment has been established to fund, in perpetuity, an annual award of at least $1,000 to an outstanding...
12/08/2021 - The department is very pleased to announce the creation of the Ralph Langenheim scholarship for undergraduate geology majors. Through the generosity of Michael Bourque (MS, ’78) a $25,000 endowment...
11/12/2021 - Congratulations to this years Alumni Achievement Award winner, Dr. Jack Sharp! Dr. Sharp is the Dave P. Carlton Centennial Professor at the University of Texas at Austin. He is a past president of...
11/09/2021 - As the cool autumn weather moved into Illinois, the Department of Geology returned to its “Flannel Friday” tradition: Many students, faculty, and staff wear their flannel shirts each Friday. Here,...
10/13/2021 - Professor Emeritus Alberto S. Nieto, 83, passed away Aug. 30, 2021 at his home in Champaign. Alberto taught Engineering Geology in the department for 25 years and retired in 1999. Prof. Nieto...
08/18/2021 - Take a minute to check out the September 2021 edition of Scientific American for a look at Prof. Bruce Fouke's work on kidney stones!...
08/11/2021 - Dr. Gillen Wood was recently awarded a 2021 Andrew Carnegie Fellowship for his project 'Oceans 1876', a look at the famous HMS...