08/13/2019 - Professor Bruce Fouke and researcher Joseph Cross suggest that societal pressures drive a wedge between student's academic activities and athletics in a new paper in the journal 'Frontiers in...
07/20/2019 - Graduate student Julia Cisneros was chosen to be featured in the July, 2019 AGU Young Researcher Spotlight. Julia works in Prof. Best's group and her interests include sedimentology, surface...
06/30/2019 - Recent assessments of employment prospects for college graduates have ranked Geoscience very highly. An analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey by the web site ...
06/20/2019 - Ph.D. student Naomi Wasserman has been awarded a Fulbright grant to support her research work in New Zealand! Naomi's research focuses on developing novel isotopic methods to address water quality...
05/19/2019 - If you will be at the AAPG Annual Meeting in San Antonio, please join us for a U of I Geology reception: Monday, May 20th, 2019 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Yard House 849 E. Commerce St. Suite #409 Walk...
04/21/2019 - Jon will be joining Jenny Druhan’s lab for his PhD in Fall 2019, and his successful proposal centers on the use of mid-mass stable isotope ratios to parse between weathering and vegetation...
04/10/2019 - In the first year of her PhD in 2016, Julia Cisneros attended the 5th International Conference on Marine and River Dune Dynamics (MARID) in Caernarfon, North Wales, to listen, gain ideas and meet new...
04/10/2019 - This was the first year that the School of Earth, Society and Environment co-ordinated EoH contributions across Geology, GGIS and Atmospheric Sciences, and was led by a school committee of Becky...
04/07/2019 - Willy Guenthner has been awarded a National Science Foundation CAREER grant to investigate the origin and erosion of the Great Unconformity throughout North America. The highly-competitive grant,...
04/07/2019 - Jess Conroy has been awarded a National Science Foundation CAREER award for her proposal Ocean-atmosphere interactions through the lens of stable water isotopologues. This research will use new...
03/28/2019 - This 3-year NASA funding will provide support for Trish, and co-I Zhong Lu (Southern Methodist University), to build a data assimilation framework for six high-risk volcanoes in Alaska. Although...
03/27/2019 - Jeremy Bellucci (B.S. ’06) and colleagues recently determined that a felsite clast in a sample of Lunar regolith (Apollo sample 14321), collected by Apollo 14 astronaut Alan Shepard on February 6,...
03/26/2019 - Dr. Fang Huang, who earned his Ph.D. in 2007, working on igneous petrology and isotope geochemistry with Prof. Lundstrom, has been highlighted in the Geochemical Society's monthly newsletter. ...
03/19/2019 - The Department, along with the Illinois State Geological Survey, is fortunate to have been granted access to software donated by Petroleum Experts to use in...
02/14/2019 - The world’s great rivers have been home to the growth of human civilization, form unique and vital ecosystems, and comprise regions that sustain the livelihoods of billions of humans. Yet...