01/16/2019 - Assistant Professor Jenny Druhan has been named a Theme Leader for a new Department of Energy funded Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) that is focused on the structure and function of...
01/15/2019 - Professor Bruce Fouke was featured last weekend on NPR’s ‘The People’s Pharmacy’ talking about his group’s research on the deposits of kidney stones. This interview follows hot on the heels of...
01/14/2019 - Prof. Willy Guenthner’s (U-Th)/He lab is featured in a new AGU EOS article highlighting NSF support to...
01/02/2019 - Prof. Don U. Deere, who taught Engineering Geology at Illinois from 1955 to 1972, passed away on January 14, 2018, in Gainesville, FL at the age of 95. A world-renowned engineering geologist and ...
12/02/2018 - Trish Gregg has been named as one of six LAS LEAP (Lincoln Excellence for Assistant Professors) Scholars for this year. The LEAP Award is granted to faculty early in their career based on scholarly...
11/28/2018 - Professor Tom Johnson received his Fellowship from the Geological Society of America at its Annual Meeting in Indianapolis last week. Tom’s citation was ‘for his fundamental contributions to the...
10/17/2018 - On October 4th, 2018, the department’s Alumni Achievement Award was presented to Dr. Norbert E. Cygan (B.S. ’54; Ph.D. ’62). Norb returned to campus with his wife, Royann, and enjoyed a day of...
10/16/2018 - In a paper just published in the Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, and led by graduate student Nate Bristow at the University of Notre Dame, Jim Best and colleagues Ken Christensen and...
10/08/2018 - Geology Ph.D. student Robby Goldman was chosen by the American Geophysical Union (AGU) from a competitive applicant pool to take part in the AGU ...
09/14/2018 - Prof. Bruce Fouke and collaborators at the Mayo Clinic have teamed up to use geological reasoning and high-end microscopy to learn fundamentally new and medically important things about human...
08/31/2018 - Students, staff and faculty of all three departments of the School of Earth Society and Environment (Geology, Atmospheric Science, and Geography and GIS) enjoyed warm, breezy weather for the annual "...
08/07/2018 - Adjunct Professor Sam Heads, an internationally known insect paleontologist, recently brought a rare and valuable collection of Oligocene insect fossils to campus. The story of the collection can be...
07/12/2018 - Prof. Michael Stewart and the Illinois students attending the Wasatch-Uinta Summer Field Course based out of Park City, Utah have been working hard and observing some of the best Geology the west has...
06/20/2018 - The prestigious NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program supports early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education. The 5-year...
06/20/2018 - The NASA ESS fellowship is highly competitive, awarded to ~10% of applicants, and provides funding for up to 3 years to support graduate research. Yan's NASA ESS Fellowship will support the...